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Meet Alex

Supporting new parents to work through feeding issues is my passion.  As a lactation consultant I have gained extensive experience with both breast and bottle feeding problems.  Many of the babies I see have a tongue tie, but there is often a crossover between this and other issues, and there can be a number of solutions which may be needed to improve feeding. 


I can advise on mastitis, breast thrush, reflux, weight issues, low milk supply, allergies and prematurity. I will develop a feeding plan to work out the best way forward for mother and baby.  Tongue Tie division is not a quick fix solution for many families. Time, patience, advice and support after the procedure helps baby to improve their feeding over 7-10 days.


I have previously led the Tongue Tie service for a London teaching hospital, but left to work closer to home. I've also worked as an infant feeding midwife for 2 years. As part of my role I supported and advised midwives and other health care professionals on making plans for babies with feeding concerns.


I have 4 children of my own, including identical twins. While breastfeeding I had a number of challenges, so I know how hard it is, especially on very little sleep! 3 of my children had a tongue tie, which is where my interest in this field began. 

Tongue tie assessment and division

I will visit you in your home and take a feeding history, with a feed observed if needed. If tongue tie division is the right choice for your baby I will then perform a frenulotomy. Babies normally feed soon after the procedure. For this reason baby needs to of not fed for about 1.5  hours before I arrive. I will then discuss a feeding plan if needed. The appointment normally takes 1 to 1.5 hours. I will  contact you the next day and one week later to ensure that the feeding is improving. 


1 to 1.5 hour appointment with follow up contact

Feeding review and advice with tongue tie  assessment 



I will visit you in your home and take a full feeding history. I will observe a feed and offer advice on positioning and attachment.  I will assess for tongue tie if needed. I will then develop a feeding plan for mother and baby to improve feeding. I will contact you the following day to see how the plan is working and offer further advice or adjustments if needed. 


1 hour appointment, £60 for every subsequent hour

I thought Alex was exceptional. Professional and personable both during the appointment and after care. I can’t recommend her highly enough

Tongue Tie Practitioner and Infant Feeding Specialist

  • Over 18 years as a qualified midwife

  • Lactation Consultant (IBCLC)

  • As well as tongue tie I advise on breast refusal, reflux, allergies, low milk supply, prematurity, and breast thrush

  • Helped more than 4000 parents with breast and bottle feeding

  • Fully insured by Hiscox, and over seen by Care Quality Commission (CQC)




07706 066 241 

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